It is What it Is

This little gem popped up on my social media the other day.

The first time I heard this expression was about eight years ago. It came out of the mouth of a year 9 (14 – 15 year old) boy. At the time I was discussing with him how his behaviour choices were affecting his grades. He understood, but what he also understood was that school was not a place where he was going to succeed. At least not in a meaningful way to him.

I was a little puzzled at his choice of words and more than a little frustrated with his attitude. It took me several years to fully understand and accept his point of view. Namely that school, and the style of education I was offering simply had no relevance in his world. He was prepared to wear the cost of failing because in his eyes it was a smaller cost than the effort to try and succeed academically. Especially considering that he had a long history of not being successful. But what was more important was that he had accepted this situation. He had accepted that school wasn’t for him but that he had to ride it out.

Fast forward to today and a man I was involved with recently declared that expression as a cop out. At the time I was a little infatuated and trying to impress this man (a topic for another time) so I tried to reconcile my way of thinking to his point of view. I wasn’t really successful with this and as the universe threw some curve balls our way I found myself reverting to the original statement.

Many years ago I encountered a Catholic nun whose work involved supporting refugee families as they tried to settle into Australia with little to no money and about the same amount of support from the government. One of the statements she made almost every day was that “Providence will take care of it!” A more secular interpretation of this became my mantra in the more difficult times of my life “Things work out the way they are meant to.” or “It is what it is.”

As I write this I am contemplating some major life changes. I have been ‘at sea’ for a while and the separation from regular land based life has given me the opportunity to take stock and contemplate where I am headed with things. At the start of my journey I was adamantly saying I wanted to keep working full time for a few more years. I was putting retirement firmly into my future. But now I am remembering how I felt at the end of my last six month voyage. I have looked back at videos I made at the end of the voyage and read some posts I wrote at the time.

Back then i had this very strong sense that the “real world” of jobs and home ownership and busyness that most people give themselves is false. That we spend so much of our lives and energy building financial security, or at least telling ourselves that is what we are doing, that we forget to live. I lost that understanding once I became immersed back into the “real world”.

Along with that busyness comes the idea that we can control many things, including other people. We pit ourselves against things and try to change them to our advantage or spend vast amounts of energy trying to get people to see things from our point of view. But at the end of the day we can only really control ourselves. We can control what we do and say. We can control how we react to the actions of others and how we treat them. And that is it. When life throws a curve ball at you; like someone buying your much loved boat for example, you can shout at fate, or you can say “thank you for paying me a really high price for that” take their money and move on. You cannot change people or the way they behave. No matter how entitled and rude they are.

Like my young friend did, accepting a situation no matter how crap it is makes life more peaceful. Sitting in that acceptance enables you to make rational and more stable decisions and less hasty mistakes that you will regret later. It also, as the meme suggests, makes you less susceptible to being manipulated by toxic people. Accepting that other people’s behaviour is completely their responsibility and completely out of your control gives you the space and peace to push them away if you need to.

And so into the ocean I go, probably on my last voyage for a little while. While it is sad to think this, I am calm in the knowledge that The Universe will unfold as it should and this ending could be the start of another great adventure.

It’s the Little things

What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?

  1. Birds
  2. A good hot shower
  3. Hugs
  4. Tea
  5. Clean sheets on my bed


I love watching birds doing their thing. Wether it is an eagle soaring, a lorikeet feeding on flowers or chickens scratching in the garden the sight of birds will always make me happy

A very large flock of cormorants that we saw on the shores of K’gari recently

A Good Hot Shower

Someone recently told me that very hot showers are actually really bad for your skin. We both agreed, though, that there is nothing like a really hot shower that leaves your skin glowing pink.


One of the reasons that I have a soft spot for tall, broad men is that I love the feeling of their arms around me and being able to be enveloped by them. Somehow the feeling of strength flowing in to me makes life all that much easier.


I only started drinking tea about five years ago. Probably about the time I spent six months on a boat with Mr Jones. However it happened these days if tea is not one of the first things that happens in my morning things don’t feel right.

Tea from this cup is often that much better!

Clean Sheets on my Bed

Yesterday I washed the sheets from our yacht bunk. Making a bed in a boat cabin is a mission. Getting everything straight and not crinkled is an even bigger mission. But I achieved it. And getting in to bed that night was soooooo nice!


I am currently teaching a subject entitled “Design and Technologies”. This term we are focussing on robotics and coding. During our introductory lessons yesterday I introduced my class to the word leisure. None of them knew what it meant despite being in Year 10 which is a little disheartening. As we discussed how industries would change in the future I presented my idea that leisure would become a much more extensive industry. They weren’t buying it, stating that as things became more expensive people would have to work more and have less leisure time. Interesting perspective coming from a bunch of 15 year olds whose whole focus in life is having fun.

I digress. What does 52 year old me do for fun?

Well obviously hooking up with various people, mostly men, sometimes people I have only known for a couple of hours. An extension activity is camping and partying with a large group of people who also enjoy this pursuit.

Second most favourite thing is walking in the bush and looking at / taking photos of flowers, fungus and birds. I don’t really think I hike, I walk far too slowly. I don’t think I am a bird watcher because I don’t carry binoculars and spend hours waiting to see the right bird. But I do love birds and seeing them in the wild always lifts my heart.

Third thing; making stuff. I love many crafty things and like most crafters I recognise that buying craft stuff, yarn, fabric etc is a separate hobby from using craft stuff. The Unicorn and I are committed to using what is on hand as much as possible. So definitely into the using craft stuff thing. Although sometimes we dally into the other side.

Fourth thing; We are digressing away from hobbies to just things I do that amuse me now but still counts as fun right? I love it when I am at a conference / professional development course etc when everyone sets themselves up in their “spot” to wait until the lunch break and then decide to take up a new spot after lunch. Watching reactions is priceless.

Lastly I like to cook good food. Food is my love language. In particular I love cooking for my family. It is a source of pride that I have a dish that all of my children including the surrogate ones get excited by the food I make. I won’t be winning The Great Australian Bake Off any time soon but I make people I love happy and that is all that matters.

Bloganuary writing prompt
List five things you do for fun.

Death of a Friendship

Photo by ELEVATE on

I don’t have a lot of friends. I have hundreds of acquaintances. Some I am more familiar with than others. But a tribe we hang out with regularly? Not really. Sometimes this bothers me. Sometimes I read posts on social media about BFF’s and women hanging out with their tribe and I feel sad because I don’t have that. As a teenager I felt this difference even more acutely. It made me chase after people who I thought I could build a friendship with just so I could have that. I found myself tolerating bad behaviour and putting up with being treated badly. I was consistently trying to please people who really didn’t care about me just so I could have a friend.

A few years ago I had this moment of realisation about just how much I squeeze myself into the smallest space to make life easier for everyone else. We were visiting some boat friends on their yacht and I caught myself finding a seat in the smallest corner possible. I realised in that small moment that I do this every day. I play down what I think, I nod along with others and I don’t speak up when something is not right. I just want people to accept me so I hold back with my opinion until I can no longer contain myself and then it comes bursting out all ugly and offensive.

It has been a journey of letting myself be. Of becoming more honest and stating my truth quietly and consistently. Of being honest about what I am and who I want to be. Recently a very long term on and off friendship seems to have come to a head. This is one of those relationships that I nurtured in the hopes that it would turn into a close BFF friendship. This person doesn’t intentionally treat me badly which is why I persisted with it. We do share some common interests and enjoy spending time together doing our stuff.


After spending time with this person I found myself having to decompress, process conversations and reconcile how I feel with what was talked about. I shouldn’t have to do that after spending time with a friend right? A little while into the “friendship” I would feel a certain amount of anxiety when she contacted me trying to organise a catch up and then further down the track I started avoiding. I felt guilty. She hasn’t done anything wrong, she is coming from a place of kindness but I Just. Don’t. Want, to be. Around her.

She confronted me about it asking “What have I done wrong?” the familiar anxiety returned. I knew I had to answer the question but first I had to actually identify the answer myself.

She hasn’t done anything wrong. She is just not the kind of person I feel happy to be around. Despite her perspective we don’t have a lot in common. She thinks that I share her opinions about a lot of things but honestly I don’t care about a lot of the things she cares about. In our conversations I have let her drive the topics and, in line with my go to behaviour, I have kept any opinions that I thought would offend to myself. It isn’t her fault and she doesn’t have to change. I am just not the friend she wants. More importantly, she is not the friend I want.

Swinger’s profiles always talk about having like minded friends. I never really put much stock in that but as I get older I am starting to understand it better. The energy involved in compensating when you are socialising with people who are fundamentally different is enormous. I have to keep my opinions about nudity, monogamy, and people’s general up-tightness to myself at work and with my family I don’t want to have to censor when I am with friends. In fact if I have to censor then am I really your friend? I know if I am feeling the need to censor then you probably aren’t really being a good friend to me.

Life is short and to be lived. My happiness is my responsibility. I will never be happy if I am censoring myself just to please a person who has decided that I have to be her friend. Just as I will never be happy if I have to wear pants every waking moment of my life. What makes me happy are people who are free from stupid ideas about sex, aging and conforming. Actually what makes me happy is looking at birds, boobs and dicks. If you aren’t into those things then we probably can’t be BFFs.

What is Your Favourite Animal and Why?

The Unicorn asks this question on dating apps. Apparently there is some deep psychology behind it but she uses it as a way to weed out shallow or self centred people. If a person is flippant with their answer or says something like “because it is pretty and fluffy” then it kind of shows they are looking for a pretty fluffy thing. Not the way she sees herself. So here is my attempt at this.

My favourite animals are birds, specifically Australian cockatoos. Just so you are sure let me introduce you to three of my favourites;

Sulphur Crested

Photo by sylvester alphonso on

Little Corella

Photo Courtesy of World Parrot Trust

Last but not least, Black Cockatoo.

Courtesy of Cool Companions

Three reasons why I love these particular birds.

Firstly, they are stunning birds, especially the Black. If you have never met them in person they are surprisingly large, especially black cockatoos. I never fail to get excited by the sight of black cockatoos.

Secondly they know how to party. All three species gather in large flocks made up of individual pairs and make a ridiculous amount of noise. This is often accompanied by silly antics like swinging upside down from branches or power lines. At night when they congregate to sleep they are often raucous until they fall asleep.

Thirdly they are really well adapted to their environment. Their feet consist of two toes and two thumbs! They use them to hold food and grip flexible and moving branches and other perches. Their beaks can do some serious damage to man made things like power cords and wooden structures but also allow them to cack open hard seeds.

What does this say about me? I really don’t know but you know what they say about bird people.

Bloganuary writing prompt
What is your favorite animal?

TMI Tuesday Flashback – When I Win the Lotto

1. Do you have a set of dishes that are used for special occassions (e.g. china)? Yes or no. If yes, how often do you use the special dishes?

When Mr Jones and I first got together we were using a set of china that had been given to him as an engagement present when he was engaged to someone else! I didn’t know this at the time but when I found out it was definitely a weird vibe. I didn’t immediately dispose of the plates. Plates are plates after all but I did make a point of getting a relatively expensive dinner set “For Good”. It is still used on special occasions and sometimes less special occasions.

2. Do you have clothes that you never wear because you are saving them for a special occasion? What is that item of clothing? What would be the appropriate occasion?

Like the dinner set I tend to avoid having clothing that I do not wear. The most special dress that I own however is this one.

I have only worn it once to my school’s formal but I hope that I get the opportunity to wear it again.

3. If you suddenly became very wealthy, which servants would you employ?

A cleaner. Because I would love to have a clean house without having to do the work.

A personal chef.

And then a personal valet. To do little personal jobs for me. You know like tuck me in at night, clear away my dishes, give me pedicures and manicures and massage moisturiser into me every night.

4. If you were wealthy, how many homes would you own? Where? (locations–mountains, tropical places for the winter, foreign country/city)

Does the boat count?

Current house. Apartment overlooking Moreton Bay near where I live and a kick arse house somewhere close to everything with all the amenities to hold legendary parties. Which of course the above mentioned staff would cater for and clean up after.

5. If you were going to take on a really expensive hobby, which of these would it be?

Did I mention the boat?

Also the current overflowing crisis that is my sewing / craft room.

If I was to take on another expensive hobby I think I would be looking at cake decorating. The amount of stuff you can buy to do that shit and make the perfect cake for every occasion! You need some serious cash for that. And a gym membership to burn all the calories.

6. What kind of car would you buy if you had an unlimited budget?

I wanted to say a Tesla. Because for the longest time Mr Jones has dreamed of owning one. Plus less carbon emissions and all that. But I recently went for a test drive and was underwhelmed. So, based purely on looks I am going with a Porsche Cayman

Bonus: Currently, what is your favorite luxury item or decadent thing that you do?

Probably having a bath. It isn’t something I do frequently enough but when I do it is an all out affair. Lots of hot water, bubble bath bars from Lush.

TMI Tuesday Flashback – Please Don’t Stop the Music

Photo by Juan Camilo Navia on Unsplash

What’s the most annoying song in the world?

I think I could make a very long list about this. The top three are below

Shine Jesus Shine – I have lived through many Catholic School Assemblies featuring this one. Give the video a listen. I guarantee you will wake up at 3am with that ringing in your ears.

Baby Shark. – I have a particularly savage pole fitness trainer who uses this challenge in one of her classes. If you would like to challenge yourself you can watch it here

Anything by Sam Smith – His voice and lyrics just make me want to shank someone.

Have you met any famous musicians?

No. I did date a guy who played in a band that was relatively well known in the Brisbane pub scene “back in the day”. At least he thought he was famous.

What song best describes your life?

High School Never Ends by Bowling for Soup.

The whole damn world is just as obsessed

With who’s the best dressed and who’s having sex.

I don’t know about you but my life is definitely like that sometimes.

Do you sing in the shower?

No. I am more of a sing in the car kind of girl. I need a backing track.

Can you play a musical instrument? Which one?

I learned to play the piano for quite a few years when I was young. I haven’t touched a keyboard in a while. A few years ago I thought I would re-kindle my skills. My family wasn’t really happy with the idea.

Bonus This week’s pic from the vault

Sometimes less is more.

Anti Soccer Mom

Photo from Pexels

Spotify is a major part of my drive to work. As I listened to Everclear’s “Volvo Driving Soccer Mom” I reflected that my life is the reverse of the song. I penned this reflection.

You know I used to be a bad girl,

Actually I was the squarest square that there ever could be. My uniform was always straight and I always obeyed the rules. 

I got busy in the bathroom at my high school prom.

If there was a boy who could get past the coke bottle glasses, overbearing parents and extreme social awkwardness I might have stolen a kiss at the formal but I doubt it. 

Yeah, I used to be a dancer at the local strip club,

If only! I did start learning how to dance like a stripper when I was in my 30’s though

But now I know my right wing from my wrong.

Teenage me lived in the world of extremely right wing politics. It was an interesting and privileged world.

Yeah-yeah, I really used to be a bad girl,

No I definitely wasn’t. I was the epitome of a good girl. The worst thing I ever did was get caught kissing at the back of the chapel. Maybe it was a sign of things to come. 

I had a threesome with my sister and her boyfriend Tom.

I don’t know if there is anyone who would have actually done this. 

I know I used to be a real wild child, But now I am a Volvo-driving soccer mom.

Definitely not a wild child. My kids got driven to school in a Mazda RX8

Nana-nana, Volvo-driving soccer mom, nana-nana nana-nana.

I really used to be a bad girl,

I got busted for possession of my wizard-shaped bong.

I tried marijuana once when I was about 25. It wasn’t for me. 

These days I have a bottle of prescription CBD oil in my fridge. It makes the sex really good and helps me sleep really well. 

I used to love to do the things they’d tell me not to do, But now I’m different, now I sing a new song.

Teenage me definitely was fond of following the rules 

Mum me learned that rules are not always helpful

Middle aged me is definitely selective about the rules that she follows

I really used to be a bad girl, I got gang-banged in the bathroom at my high school prom.

Nope! In hindsight I don’t think this was a bad thing

Yes, I used to be a real wild child, But now I am a Volvo-driving soccer mom.

I think we have firmly established I was not a wild child. 

My kids didn’t play any kind of sport and I never wanted a Volvo.

Nana-nana nana-nana, Volvo-driving soccer mom,

Nana-nana nana-nana, Theatre mom who’s swears and drinks.

Nana-nana nana-nana, Volvo-driving soccer mom,

Nana-nana nana-nana, The mom the other moms gossip about

Whoa, whoa, where do all the porn stars go when the lights go down?

I wonder where all the porn stars go,

In this day of Only Fans I wonder how much I could make as a content creator?

Cause when you need one, they are never around.

I think they moved out to the suburbs,

Pretty sure they don’t live in my suburb but some parties I go to are better than porn star parties. 

And now they’re blond, bland, middle-class Republican wives.

Blonde sometimes, never bland, middle class I guess but more of a Hotwife than a republican wife.

They’ve got blond, bland, middle-class Republican children, And blond, bland, middle-class Republican lives.

Kids are also sort of blond but definitely not bland. Especially the Unicorn

Is my life bland? I don’t think so. 

Where do all the porn stars go when the lights go down?

I think I know where all the porn stars go?

They all become Volvo-driving soccer moms.

Sometimes I regret that my youth was not all wild parties and awesome friends

But I definitely don’t regret that my middle age is a fair sprinkling of wild parties and crazy sex. 

If you want to hear the original version of the song you can listen here


TMI Tuesday Revisited – In the Mood

Welcome to another edition of TMI Tuesday Re-visited. This session is from June 7 2011. As always feel free to add extra questions in the comments and I will endeavour to include them in future editions.

1. What puts you in a creative mood?

There have been times in my life when words seem to come spilling out of me. Other times I struggle to get any words out. The thing that seems to be important is having a muse which is generally someone I interact with that seems to spark my imagination. Right now I don’t have anyone who fills that slot exactly. There are a couple floating around but they haven’t hit that sweet spot yet…

2. What puts you in a silly mood?

Silliness from other people. Which is great but sometimes when a Young Person in my classroom is being silly I need to make the effort to put on my adult hat and be the responsible one. It is a hard balance to achieve.

3. What puts you in a contemplative mood?

I have just returned from a camping weekend where I have discovered that you can buy little sachets of magic that make your fire very pretty! Of course as a science teacher I know the chemistry behind this but it simply never occurred to me to do it in a campfire! The effect is even more mesmerising than a regular campfire.

4. What puts you in a competitive mood?

A comment like “you will never be able to do that!” often comes across as a challenge. Sometimes I rise to the challenge. Other times I sit back and watch everyone else die on the hill!

5. What puts you in a talkative mood?

Mr Jones told me recently that I always talk about my job! It was not something that I was truly aware of but on reflection he is right. Although he doesn’t believe me that I rarely initiate the conversation. It usually starts when people ask me what I do and then have some weird opinion about the industry I work in. Everyone has been to school and everyone has had multiple teachers in their lives. So everyone thinks they are an expert. So I end up talking about my job a lot. Many times when I don’t really want to.

6. What can a person do that will instantly put you in a sexy mood?

This is hard. It is different things for different people. A couple of examples from recent weekend spend with mostly spicy people who had to keep a lid on their behaviour because of the minority of vanilla people present (whatever happened to majority rules?)

IT guy. I am not going to lie this man is different in a lot of ways that make people wonder. He spent a lot of time licking my nose. It wasn’t instantly sexual but the mind connection of doing something weird and being accepted for it? There is something there.

Awkward Engineer; As his name suggests, quiet, shy, awkward. In a conversation about being a teacher (see question 5) kind of looks and me and says something like “you are pretty sexy miss” in this kind of voice that a kid would use. Honestly, I wanted to drag him off and fuck him right then and there!

Bonus: Image from the vault.

TMI Tuesday Revisited – Sex all Over

This set of questions comes from Tuesday 21 June 2011. Enjoy

1.  How many states have you had sex in? How many countries? Yes, Oral counts! All sex acts– penetrative or not– are sex.

All six states and both territories of Australia, five other countries. While I have visited a myriad of places in Australia I am not well travelled internationally.

Photo by Matthew Alexander on Unsplash

Fun fact – the Commonwealth star (the big one under the Union Jack) represents the six states of Australia, one point for each, and the seventh point represents the territories and any future states after Federation in 1901. Currently there are three territories of Australia; the Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory and Norfolk Island.

Researching this I realised my statement was incorrect. Norfolk Island is not somewhere I have visited. Part of my brain just wondered if I could sail there. I don’t visit that part much because it entertains some radical and not always good ideas.

2. What do you think is the sexiest piece of clothing a man/women wears on a daily basis? e.g., bra, jeans, sundress, dress shirt, etc.

Men; I am a sucker for a workman in high vis. Also Jeans that kind of sit on a guys hips. Like the ones Christian wears in fifty shades of Grey

Women: Sundresses. Although it really depends on the woman. Her own style and what makes her feel comfortable.

3. Would you date yourself? Why or why not?

Would I fuck me? Absolutely. I am amazing!

Date? Well… It could be like eating your favourite dish every day.

4. Which muscle do you work the hardest: brain, heart, mouth?

My heart. Everything in my life is marked by how much I care about it. Sometimes it is ridiculous.

5. Fill-in the blank: I am totally prissy (overly finicky) when it comes to _____ .

Clean hands. I hate the feeling of having something on my hands. Even if it is something simple like I was petting an animal or holding something a bit wet or sticky. When I am baking I will wash my hands multiple times when kneading dough or pastry.

Bonus: Describe your darkest fantasy.

When I meet people at events I have been known to ask them to share this as a kind of ice breaker. The kicker is they then ask me the same question. My stock standard answer is to be sitting on the floor at an event with men who pass by shoving their cock in my mouth. Like you put the balls into a carnival clown mouth.

Another, slightly darker, is to be a dominant to a man who is caged.

Bonus Bonus random image from the archives: