
My boobs are one part of my body that I actually like. There are lots of parts that I DON’T like but this is not a post about that. I like my boobs. Happily, it seems that other people also like my boobs. One thing that I have had several attempts at is giving you people, the dirty fuckers who frequent these pages an image that shows my boobs and or cleavage the way I see them / it. The other morning I was snapping some selfies for a friend before I got out of bed for the day. I was pleased with the results.

Sinful Sunday

Waking Up

I was reminded by Elliot’s post of an image shared with me by Jack. He does take some sexy images and I loved this one.

Image courtesy of @jackandjillcpl

She checks her phone when she wakes. There is a notification. She opens it, waiting impatiently for the file to load. The wait is worth it.

Beautiful sexy image with the words wishing you were here.

Her lips curve up in a smile as she replies

I wish I was there too.

Children jump on her bed, demanding breakfast, signalling the way the day will unfold. Full of busy work attending to the needs and problems of others.

In a quiet moment she allows herself another look at the image. She fantasises about sliding her hand over the hair on his chest, down, under the covers.

A co-worker interrupts her quiet time. Break time is over.

After work there are children to collect from daycare. A drive home and then dinner / showers / bedtime stories before finally time to herself.

I wish you were here. She types to him

I will be there in fifteen minutes.

This post is part of MMMMonday week 2. Click on the image below to see who else says MMM

A Brave New World

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about frustrations with people’s (mostly my student’s) reactions to Covid-19. You can read about them here and here. Two weeks it seems is s long time in a world inhabited by Covid-19. Since then speculations about schools closing and lockdown have become somewhat of a reality.

Pubs and clubs are closed, gyms are closed, restaurants are closed, theatres are closed. Airports both domestic and international are running at about 20% of their capacity.. Schools are closed.

Yes schools are closed.

The teaching fraternity is currently scrambling around getting ready to deliver lessons online. After the Easter holidays finish in about two and a half weeks everyone in Australia will be effectively learning by distance education.

Some teachers are truly embracing this approach and are all over the technology we are using. For my school it is Microsoft Teams and other Microsoft products such as Power Point and One Note. Some teachers are learning this week for the first time what these platforms look like.

Students were sent home last Friday, a week earlier than scheduled to give us time time do this learning. I feel like I have re-learned how to teach in the space of about a week. No small feat. For anyone.

Consequently my blogging brain is closed for business. The capacity is taken up by working out how to do what I do every day in person as Mrs Jones in a virtual environment. It is hard. I was end of term tired before this happened.

So I apologise for the very un-sexy post. But I hope that sexy content you are used to seeing and reading will be back very soon.

In the meantime here is a quick selfie I took yesterday.

You are a Strong Woman

I have been a bit quiet in here for the last week or so. Twitter followers will know this is because I have been on a cruise to Papua New Guinea.

Or maybe they don’t.

Whatever the case I have been in the isolated bubble of a cruise boat. As a holiday option cruising is definitely different. I am not sure what it is like in other countries but cruising from Australia involves copious amounts of food and visits to mostly tropical or Pacific Island countries. I stress the mostly as there are cruise options leaving from Brisbane (my home town) and Sydney with Asian and New Zealand options.

For this voyage our destination is Papua New Guinea. An interesting country with political and military ties to Australia. A large number of people on this particular cruise have worked for varying amounts of time in New Guinea. Many Australian companies have branches or parts of their operations in New Guinea. Our cruise director is constantly stressing to the guests that this is a less developed part of the world. By this he means that the people are living that weird blend of traditional life with some modern ideas thrown in. A visit to a village hut will reveal a very small dwelling with maybe two or three rooms, no indoor plumbing, no defined bedrooms but power supplied by a generator through a single lead that will connect to a rice cooker and a mobile phone charger. Cooking is done outside (except for the rice cooker) and the people who live outside the main cities on isolated islands, for the most part, grow their own food or harvest it from the sea.

This is our second visit to this country. We came for the first time with one of the first cruise boats to visit the area. Five years on some things have changed. The standard of living is still the same but the number of villagers vying for the elusive tourist dollar is increasing. As is the amount of coercion on the part of children to try and elicit money from the tourists. It is distressing to not be able to help as many people as approach you.

One of the attractions for repeating the trip was the opportunity to experience an active volcano. Geology holds a certain fascination for me and the workings of tectonic plates are a very exciting part of that. Needless to say when I discovered a tour that promised a close up look into the crater of an active volcano that is situated near Rabaul. I jumped at the chance. Before we left the country most people we told about our proposed adventure couldn’t see the attraction. Despite my fascination other people just can’t get as excited about rocks and their workings as I do.

Two days into our cruise and news of the volcano disaster in New Zealand reached us. My thoughts are with the people who lost their lives, and their families as but for the grace of God Mr Jones and myself could have been on that party of cruise boat tourists chasing the experience of visiting an active volcano. After this news everyone we told of our proposed adventure made a joke about getting blown up like the people in New Zealand. We were more fortunate I guess. We made it to the top and lived to tell the tale.

It was not an easy journey. The path was not formed and took us almost straight up a slope made of tiny scoria interspersed with larger rocks that had been formed by lava bombs. When we reached the top we were rewarded with a view of rocks in the crater covered with solid sulphur and steaming vents releasing the foul smelling gas into the air. This volcano does not contain lava like some but usually releases large amounts of ash, small scoria, hydrogen sulphide gas and the occasional lava bomb.

The terrain reflects this and I could not have made it without the good humour and assistance of my guide Judas (I don’t know what twisted mission education prompted that name!). I think I impressed him with some unorthodox ways of navigating rocks and crevasses and the number of times I fell on my butt during the descent.

In New Guinea it is expected that women cover their legs and butts while exposing breasts is quite ok; breasts are for feeding babies, exposing butt cheeks is an invitation for sexual advances. So I could not show him the result of my many falls. You guys however are quite welcome to view some of the shots I took later that evening when dressing for dinner.

As we reached the bottom, despite my many falls and amusing Judas and his brother by sliding some of the way on my butt I was complimented that I was a strong woman! At that time my legs felt as if they wouldn’t hold me up any longer so I didn’t feel particularly strong but on reflection I guess I am. This year has been one of many challenges for me and perhaps this journey was to show me that if I keep getting up when I fall down I will succeed. Sometimes you have to travel a long way from home to realise some things that people all around you have been telling you all along.

Sunday Selfie

About a week  ago a Facebook colleague posted a meme about duck face selfies that teenage girls seem addicted to. It was actually quite clever.

I share his frustration. It re-ignited in me the motivation to continue with a hobby I was playing with about a year ago. Trying to make selfies an art form. Or rather taking selfies that took into account some more complex ideas and angles and creating more ‘artsy’ photos instead of just a head with something significant in the background. Or alternatively a bunch of people pulling a face at the camera. 

I shared this image with a twitter friend recently. He was happy with his early morning hello and I was happy with the image. It is a bit grainy but I love the concept.

Enjoy and happy Sunday. 

Sunday Selfie

I love my cat. One of the best parts of my day is coming home from work and chilling for 30 minutes or so with my cat. In actual fact he belongs to my daughter but he didn’t get that memo. Owners don’t choose their cat. Cats choose the person or people they want to hang out with. I am just glad he likes to hang out with me. 

Sunday Selfie

Over the last twelve months I have managed to put on a bit of weight which has meant that I have acquired a more classically curvy body. This is something that I am having trouble coming to terms with. When ever I see myself in photos I find my eye drawn to the parts of my body that I dislike the most and they somehow seem incredibly ugly. Recently a friend told me that he loves that kind of body. He is not the first man to express that opinion but still I find myself struggling to like my body. I took this selfie to send to my friend kind of being perverse and trying to provoke him into making a negative comment. Of course he didn’t. 

Strangely looking at pictures of myself like this is helping me to accept my body. So I thought I would share it with you all. 

Sunday Selfie

Several weeks ago I had the brainwave to start posting a selfie on Sunday because like about 99% of the western world under 40 I am egotistical enough to think that everyone likes to look at photos of me. But instead of the usual duck mouth and above the head shots of me with a celebrity or my friends dolled up for a night out I like to play with angles that you don’t usually see on Instagram. I don’t do Instagram by the way. Twitter is so yesterday that most of my students don’t hang out there so it suits me just fine to hang out there. From time to time I post selfies. All the photos of me on my Twitter feed are selfies. 

I apologise for the lack of Sunday selfies, or any other series for that matter, but the end of term is here and my time is a little more flexible again. So enjoy a pic I took a few months ago when holidaying at the beach. It is almost summer in the Southern Hemisphere and I am very much looking forward to cracking out the bikini again very soon.